W7k Academy - Coding for Dynamo in C# and Python CheckDistanceAgainstHeight


Revit users often need to send lists of multiple sheets to others. This could be an email detailing which drawings are ready to be issued, a report listing sheet names, or a warning about drawings that will be deleted or superseded. Sadly, there is no way of doing it quickly!

To simplify this process, I developed a straightforward macro. It enables anyone on your team to select sheets in the project browser and easily copy-paste their names and numbers.
Together with a group of cool people:

Natalia Gawlik, Ignacy Łoziński and Piotr Spyra,

We created a free guide to help you automate your work. The macro mentioned above is just a small part of it!

To access our guide, please visit:


Written on July 22, 2024